A commissioned Painting for Perry Sands and Performance Machine. PM had just sent me a set of wheels, brakes, and controls for a custom bike I was building "Suds". Perry wouldn't take payment as he knew it was going to be a well known bike, in my display and traveling to shows nationwide. He just said " do me a painting sometime of one of our parts.
After "Suds" was built I photographed these stunning wheels and created this very large painting for my friends at P.M. Years later P.M. got ripped off on this wheel design by a distributor. P.M. sued and the lawyers had a meeting at Performance Machine Headquarters, in their boardroom. Perry had them all sit facing the painting during the negotiations and they settled out of court. He told me later, he was convinced the painting helped them settle and they quit producing the wheels his team designed. Glad I could help! Performance Machine, like Corbin, supported me in these early years and gave my career a jump start. My chrome technique was developing and getting much better than earlier paintings.
The Original Painting is in the Collection of Perry Sands, founder of Performance Machine. 1999