A Pre-Motorcycle painting from the 90's. My paintings were very graphic at this time and I was exploring my use of color. I was also learning how to crop the image, and that painting the entire vehicle wasn't necessary.
The "Whale Tail" Porsche's from the 70's were always one of my favorite cars and for years I wanted one. They originally sold for $15,000.00 and are now worth $180,000.00 They were the fastest production car in the world at the time. The cars got faster and the spoilers got smaller, but this has always been my favorite design of all the Porsche's. I wasn't producing prints of these early paintings, but there seems to be interest in this one, so I may produce some prints in the future. This very large painting still looks stunning on the wall of an Arizona Mansion.
The Original Painting is in a Private Collection in Paradise Valley AZ. 1992