710 Sunset
'710 Sunset' places the viewer in Paradise like surroundings. The elegant lines of the glass art mimic the tropical surroundings and takes you away to a place we would all rather to be at. The shapes within the glass seemed very natural and ocean like to me, states Eric.
Working with several manufacturers in the Cannabis Industry, Eric would like to thank KindTray.com and Oil Slick for making such fine products and loaning him props for this painting. '710 Sunset' will be on display at the upcoming Cannabis Cup in San Francisco at Kind Tray's booth.
The Original painting is in my collection and currently available. 2013
Working with several manufacturers in the Cannabis Industry, Eric would like to thank KindTray.com and Oil Slick for making such fine products and loaning him props for this painting. '710 Sunset' will be on display at the upcoming Cannabis Cup in San Francisco at Kind Tray's booth.
The Original painting is in my collection and currently available. 2013
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